Written In Stone!
Centuries ago, God wrote His law in stone, and you're still supposed to keep it today! It's absolutely true that violating any part of God's law always brings negative consequences. As crime overruns our cities, doesn't it make sense that for peace and safety we need to obey the laws of the land? Well, this same principle applies with God's law—the Ten Commandments—in our own lives too! They aren't called the ten suggestions, ten recommendations, or the ten greatest ideas. Since so much is at stake, you should take a few minutes to seriously consider your responsibility.
- Did God Himself really write the Ten Commandments?
- What is God's definition of sin?
- Why did God give us the Ten Commandments?
- Why is God's law exceedingly important to me personally?
- Can God's law (the Ten Commandments) ever be changed or abolished?
- Did Jesus abolish God's law while He was here on Earth?
- Will people who knowingly continue to break even one of God's commandments be saved?
- Can anyone be saved by keeping the law?
- Why, then, is the law an absolute essential for perfecting Christian character?
- What enables a truly converted Christian to follow the pattern of God's law?
- But isn't a Christian who has faith and is living under grace freed from keeping the law?
- Are the Ten Commandments of God reaffirmed in the New Testament?
- Are God's law and Moses' law the same?
- How does the devil feel about the people who pattern their lives after God's Ten Commandments?