The Richest Caveman + Bonus Feature: Kingdoms in Time Documentary by Doug Batchelor 1-11
The Richest CavemanBonusFeature Kingdoms
Two incredible DVDs for one low price! The amazing true story of Doug Batchelor that has touched hearts for Jesus worldwide, plus the life-transforming Kingdoms in Time, which explores the greatest Bible prophecies that have come true—to powerfully build confidence in God and His Word!
The extraordinary true story of Doug Batchelor, son of a millionaire father and show-business mother. Find out how God turned a rebellious teenager living in a cave into a tremendous soul-winner for Jesus Christ.
“I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe” (John 14:29).
Hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor, Kingdoms in Time is a life-changing documentary that explores the most striking Bible predictions that have come true—from nations rising and falling to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Journey through ancient Israel and hear from expert theologians, historians, and archaeologists on how we can know these prophecies were written in advance—and what it means for the ones that have yet to come true.
Featuring reenactments and powerful evidence of the supernatural, Kingdoms in Time is an extraordinary adventure through history where you will discover the astonishing evidence that Bible prophecy has been precisely fulfilled throughout the ages. You will believe that God’s Word stands forever and can be trusted!
Approx. Running Time: 60 minutes.
No subtitles available. English only.