The Law of the King
Lesson 6 in the Storacle Set.
See how the Bible answers the questions in this lesson, and more!
- Can God's moral law be amended or repealed?
- According to the Bible, what is sin?
- To what law does 1 John 3:4 refer?
- Did Jesus keep the Ten Commandments?
- How many people have sinned?
- What is the punishment for living a life of sin?
- Some say the Ten Commandments are not binding for New Testament Christians.
- How is it possible to keep the commandments?
- What is the old covenant, and why did it fail?
- Upon which law is the new covenant based?
- Doesn't living under grace, by faith, make keeping God's law non-essential?
- Are people saved by keeping the law?
- What motivates a person to obey God's law?
- Can I be a true Christian without keeping His commandments?
- Are some Old Testament laws no longer binding upon Christians?