Saved From Certain Death
Picture the horror of being stranded in an ocean with hungry, deadly sharks closing in! Then imagine how grateful and relieved you'd feel to be plucked to safety. The truth is, every person on the planet is lost in an ocean fraught with danger. We urgently need rescue, not from a boat or helicopter, but from our Heavenly Father.
God loves you, so much that He sent His Son to save you. You've undoubtedly heard all this before, but are you sure you really understand what it's all about? What does it really mean to you, and can it really change your life? Read on and find out!
- Does God really care about me?
- How has God demonstrated His love for us?
- How could He love someone like me?
- What does His death do for me?
- How do I receive Him and pass from death to life?
- What must I do in order to obtain this gift of salvation?
- When I join His family through faith, what change does Jesus make in my life?
- Will this changed life really be happier than the pleasures of the old life?
- But can I make myself do all the things a Christian should do?
- Do you mean that even the Ten Commandments would not be hard to obey?
- How can I be certain that the commandment-keeping mentioned of God's people in the Bible is not legalism?
- What significant act seals the love relationship with Christ, and what does it symbolize?
- How can I be certain that the faith and love of my marriage to Christ will continue to increase?