In God We Trust
Do you trust God ... really? The truth is, a lot of people might say yes, but they don't act like it. And worse, because they don't trust Him, they might actually steal from Him! "Come on!" you say, "No one would steal or embezzle money from God." But God's shocking message to His people is, "Ye have robbed me" (Malachi 3:8).
Real records prove that billions of people steal from God and, as amazing as it may seem, they use that stolen money to subsidize their own reckless spending! Yet many are unaware of their larceny, and in this Study Guide, we'll show you how to avoid that same mistake and how to prosper financially through real faith in God.
- According to the Bible, what portion of our income belongs to the Lord?
- What is the "tithe"?
- Where does the Lord ask His people to bring the tithe?
- To what does the Lord refer when He speaks of His storehouse?
- Some have thought that tithing was part of Moses' system of rites and ceremonies that ended at the cross. How does the Bible help us understand that this is not so?
- But didn't Jesus abolish the plan of tithing?
- For what was tithe used in Old Testament days?
- Did God change His plan for tithe usage in New Testament days?
- What startling proposal does God make to people who feel uncertain about tithing?
- When we tithe, who really receives our money?
- What test did Adam and Eve fail, which all of us must pass if we would inherit His heavenly kingdom?
- In addition to the tithe, which belongs to God, what else does God ask of His people?
- How much shall I give to God as offerings?
- What additional Bible principles does God share with us regarding giving?
- What does the Lord own?
- How does the Lord refer to people who do not return His 10 percent and give offerings?