Foundations of Faith DVD Set and Lessons
Now, more than ever, the devil is seeking to undermine the bedrock foundations of Christianity. The result has been a virtual flood of error that has been eroding the fundamental teachings of God’s Word in our churches and culture at large—everything from the inspiration of Scripture to the story of Creation and the role of the traditional family.
But now you can fight back with Foundations of Faith DVD Set, featuring nine new and powerful revival-themed presentations by Pastor Doug Batchelor that will inspire reformation in your heart and in your entire church. Be warned! This is a convicting call for Christians of all backgrounds to return to neglected Bible teachings so vital in these last days.
The Foundations of Faith Bible Lessons will further deepen your faith in God’s Word and strengthen your spiritual life. The question-and-answer format will lead you even deeper into the Scriptures and provide a richer understanding of the bedrock teachings of the Bible.
Each program and lesson is designed to strengthen your faith with an in-depth but fast-paced examination of biblical teachings now under assault by culture—such as the Second Coming, Sabbath, God’s law and grace, the keys to salvation, and so much more. It also includes a bonus presentation containing the very best Bible questions and answers from this popular series.
You, your family, and your entire church will love to revisit these timely messages for years to come as a source of inspiration and strength in these last days. They are also a great way to introduce friends to end-time principles that will prepare them for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Says Doug Batchelor, “This is the perfect series for those desiring to stand more firmly on Bible truth. I pray that ‘Foundations of Faith’ will bring true reformation to you and your church!”
Ten presentations on 4 DVDs. Approximately 11 hours. 9 Lessons in envelope:
- Scripture: Faith Comes by Hearing
- Sin: Choosing Our Allegiance
- Salvation: Saved by Faith, Living by Faith
- Sabbath: A Sign of Loyalty
- State of the Dead: A Grave Deception
- Spirit of Prophecy: Protected by the Prophets
- Sanctuary and the Remnant: Two Women and One Church
- Strength: Health and Holiness
- Second Coming: A Shout, a Trumpet, and an Earthquake