Final Events of Bible Prophecy Magazine
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy magazine is a captivating, colorful, and biblically accurate sharing resource that will equip you to share the good news of Jesus’ soon return. This attractive witnessing tool, covering the seven key events of the last days, will thrill and inspire you and everyone you share it with.
Pastor Doug Batchelor says, “Anyone who even glances at the end-time prophecies and signs of the Second Coming can see that our world is plunging chaotically toward the fulfillment of the Bible’s predictions. Yet those who believe in Scripture can live with peace in the stormy times we’re experiencing because we know the end of the story.” You will be encouraged and strengthened to face the end-times with confidence!
Critical last-day events covered by this timely resource include:
- Undeniable signs of the Second Coming
- The world’s condition before Jesus returns
- The stunning, climatic return of Christ!
- What happens during the 1,000 years?
- The final judgment of the world
- What paradise and eternity will be like and more!
Want to share it far and wide? Leave copies in medical offices, beauty salons, auto repair waiting areas, fast-food restaurants, bus stops, barbershops … the possibilities are endless. Let those you love know the truth about the Second Coming and the assurance we have in a glorious future.