Bowing to Babylon by Doug Batchelor

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Bowing to Babylon


Lesson 13 in the Storacle Set.

See how the Bible answers the questions in this lesson, and more!

  1. How does our story in Daniel 3 relate to Revelation?
  2. What are the three angels' messages of Revelation 14?
  3. What does a beast represent in Bible prophecies?
  4. How does the Bible identify the beast?
  5. This beast arises from the sea. What does the sea, or water, symbolize?
  6. Who gives the beast its power and position?
  7. How far-reaching is the influence of the beast?
  8. What comes out of the mouth of the beast?
  9. How long would this first beast rule?
  10. What happened to the beast after the 42 months?
  11. Is the beast a religious power?
  12. What does the beast do to the saints?
  13. What is the mysterious number that identifies the beast?