Amazing Adventure USB 10 part Video Series
Amazing Facts has designed multiple Christ-centered resources for children ages 8 to 12—and they’re now all available on this easy-to-carry USB drive. Just insert the USB into your computer and explore the videos, printable Bible lessons, activity book, and illustrated Bible books, all created to lead precious lambs to Jesus!
USB Features:
- Amazing Adventure 10-part video series with Pastor Doug Batchelor teaching powerful Bible lessons
- Amazing Adventure Bible lessons—10 printable guides and diploma
- Heroes of Faith activity book—48 printable pages
- Jim Pinkoski’s Bible coloring books—The Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, Grave Errors about Death, God’s Law and God’s Grace, A Creationist’s View of Dinosaurs and the Theory of Evolution
Amazing Adventure Children’s Series can be used in many ways to enhance kids’ spiritual journeys:
- Additional resources to complement children’s Sabbath School or Vacation Bible School program (ages 8 to 12)
- Bible study for kids
- Children’s evangelistic meetings
- Baptismal preparation for children